“Hulless” varieties can easily be cleaned by hand-threshing and winnowing other varieties may require flailing or mechanical threshing.Small-scale wheat growers can use a hand sickle to harvest-tie into bundles, called "shocks," and stack upright in the field to dry before threshing.Timing the harvest to ensure optimal moisture level reduces loss to shatter or grain resprouting-seed heads should be dry and resist denting by fingernail (ideal moisture content is 13% or less).Both winter and spring varieties of grains are generally ready for harvest in August.Disease prevention: plant disease resistant varieties, for powdery mildew use Zonix Harvest & Storage.Common diseases: stripe rust, stem rust, powdery mildew.Mulch with clean straw or leaves to 4 inches Insects & Diseases.Seed can also be drilled at 2 1/2 lbs per 1000 square feet-plant 1-2 inches deep.Recommended seeding rate: 3 1/2 lbs per 1000 square feet.For the smaller-scale grower, broadcast the seed over the surface of the soil and rake in to ensure good soil contact.Plant mid-September through mid-October.Winter varieties require cold temperatures in order to produce seed heads (vernalize) in spring they should be planted in the fall Direct Sowing.Excessive soil fertility will cause lower protein levels and may lead to lodging (heavy heads falling over).Grains require modest levels of nutrition to produce good quality proteins.Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more interesting famous photographs. Feedback from my readers is always welcome. Do comment and let me know what you think of it. Such small incidence sometimes make history! I am sure you loved the photograph and the amusing story behind it. It was also chosen as the “Picture of the Year” by the Life magazine and “Picture of the Decade” by People magazine. The photograph won numerous awards including the World Press Photo of the Year. This photograph was taken by Ian Bradshaw. Now this famous policeman’s helmet is on display in the museum at Twickenham. I felt embarrassed so I covered him up as best I could.” He then added “It was a cold day – he had nothing to be proud of”. On the show, Perry gifted the famous helmet to O’Brien and said “I feared he would be mobbed, or that other people would follow suit.
The organizers of the said Australian TV show had also invited Perry. He said he was not proud of starting this trend.īruce Perry is the Police Constable who is holding his helmet in front of O’Brien’s private part (which no longer was really private!). On the show, O’Brien regretted his stunt and said that streaking is a stupid thing to do. In 2006, however, he eventually spoke on an Australian TV show called “Where are they now?”. He shunned the media for 32 years and tried to keep mum about his adventure. Later, O’Brien went on to become a successful businessman in Australia. His employers did not like his mischievous behavior on the rugby field. The police arrested and fined him 10 pounds –it was exactly the amount O’Brien had won in bet! Moreover, he was fired from his job the very next day. But this 25 years old man was not in good luck. O’Brien did this stunt in order to win a bet. Princess Alexandra was also in attendance. During the half-time Michael O’Brien ran naked on the field before a crowd of 48,000 people. On April 20, 1974, a rugby match was on at Twickenham stadium (this suburban town is near London). Streaker Michael O’Brien’s being covered by Bruce Perry.